Friday, 10 April 2015

Do I need to introduce myself if only my Mother is reading this?

10 000 people start blogs every day. Or is it 17 000? I have no idea. I'm just pulling both numbers out of the air, but it's a lot. Most will post a few times and lose interest. Such is human nature. Personally, I've started 4 blogs and only ever published 1 post. I suppose it's the same reason we join a gym with great expectations of getting fit, go 4 times the first week, 2 times the second week and by the third are finding a new route to work so that we don't have to pass the god-forsaken place.

So I'm wondering if I should bother introducing myself. Since only my Mother will be reading this post and she's knows more about me than a sane person would post about them-self on the internet.

I do feel I should warn you. If you plan to continue reading you need to accept two things. Most of my life is spent trying to find a way to get some work done from home, stay married and not beat the kids. That's about as exciting as it gets. I'm not an undercover spy. I'm not working my way through the worlds most famous french cookbook, one recipe at a time. I'm just rolling along an average sort of life, looking for sunshine and trying to bring some value to the rest of the world. Oh and if grammar is your thing. run. away.

If by chance you are reading this and you aren't my Mom. Go check her out. Let's be honest here, she's way smarter and more interesting than me.

In love, learning and sunshine, j

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