Tuesday, 14 April 2015

"Tony! Tony! Come around."

"Something's lost and must be found!" I was taught you only call St.Anthony in for the big stuff.

 18 hours before getting on a plane and my car keys were gone. Compound the problem by the fact that we live 2 hours from the airport and I am to drive my business partner as well, and we have a problem.

The first few hours of looking were marked by annoyance and minor barking at the family to assist or get out of the way. I've never seen them move so fast when the school bus arrived.  As each place that the keys "should be" was searched my panic level increased. Six hours in I was a full blown crazy woman. I checked the trees outside. In my mind a squirrel picking up my dropped keys and using the colourful lanyard as nesting made complete sense.

Insert on the scene friends and family that called or stopped by to say goodbye before my trip. As my plight became apparent they offered super helpful advice like "Did you check where you usually put them?" "Maybe they are still in the car?" "Wow, I bet those keys are really expensive to replace!". These remarks allowed me to practice my life long goal of holding my sarcastic tongue. Of which I am not always successful.

8 hours into the search and I had to allow myself to think about what the heck we were going to do if they didn't turn up. Clearly they weren't in the garbage, in any nook/cranny of the house and they weren't in the trees. They were gone.

The children cautiously arrived home from school asking if they were found. I'm sure my frazzled and exhausted appearance answered for me. I had just confessed the situation to my travel partner and had answered my husbands 7th text of "Found them yet?" with a resigned "No :( ". I begged the kids to check their backpacks. Which of-course was met with protests that I had made them do it before leaving in the morning. That was until they were located. In the backpack that was checked 8 hours of searching ago...

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